Sebbin Logo  - Brochure and Process

Pro area - Brochure and Process

AnatomikModeling and the Sebbin laboratory have joined together to manufacture and distribute our custom-made 3D implants. For the treatment of Pectus ExcavatumPoland Syndrome, and calf atrophy.

In this section you will find the essential commercial information on our products.



Brochure thoracic implants

Consult the brochure on 3D custom-made implants, designed through CAD and developed by AnatomikModeling and the Sebbin group.


Commercial presentation

Commercial presentation

Description of pathologies, explanations about the design and manufacturing technique for custom-made 3D implants, advantages of the technique compared to the Nuss technique, results, etc. See our commercial presentation.


Ordering process

Thoracic implants 3D process​​

Data acquisition and transfer, prescription, quotation, validation of the implant design, manufacture, and delivery, etc... Find out about all of the required steps in the ordering of custom-made 3D implants.



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