Writing Testimonials

Testimonials Pectus Excavatum

The technique using 3D custom-made implants is a simple surgery offering immediate results.

AnatomikModeling makes the effort to collect patient and surgeon testimonials because it is an important way to support and demonstrate the advantages of this technique.

Find out all the opinions on the pectus excavatum surgery.

The custom-made 3D implants allow me to tailor the surgical plan to each specific patient according to their body morphology. The strength of high-resolution 3D imaging combined with millimetric implant customization is a powerful combination and ensures the highest care possible for the treatment of thoracic cage deformities.

Dr Karl Waked (Brussels)

The surgery is quite simple, the patient is recovering very well, and satisfaction is high. Pectus Excavatum is a very difficult aesthetic problem, usually with psychological outcomes. 3D implants are a great way to help patients with a simple surgery.

Dr Panayi, Athens (Greece)

For the last several years, I’ve been working with the 3D implants for Pectus Excavatum reconstruction. We use to work together with thoracic surgeons and we do secondary cases. It is a procedure where we see the patient, we discuss the options, and after a certain time of preparation, the 3D implant will be manufactured, and the surgery will take place. The results are amazing!

Dr Radkte, Viena (Austria)

The use of 3D implants offers advantages as the technology is less invasive and very personalized, because the implants are manufactured specifically for each patient. Especially if there are no problems with the heart or the lungs, which is more common. In those cases the 3D implant technique is much better compared to more invasive techniques consisting in sternum and ribs remodeling. Thanks to this individualized solution we can achieve great results and satisfy the patients quite easily.

Dr Lumenta, Graz (Austria)

Since I discovered these prothesis and started working with them, the truth is that I haven't used Nuss technique for two years. Good result, simple technique, good quality product and in the end the aesthetic result that the patient was expecting.  

Dr. Galbis, Valencia (Spain)

The custom-made implant technique has been a revolution in the surgical correction of the vast majority of patients with chest wall deformities, in particular because it has no age limit.

Dr. Kindelán, Cordoba (Spain)

I believe 3D custom made implants are a very useful technique, which helps people. There isn’t really another solution to deal with the Pectus Excavatum problem. Fat doesn't really work. The other surgeries are too heavy, with bone fractures. The 3D implant is really an elegant solution. I haven't had any disappointed patients yet.

Dr Quinodoz, Hôpital de la Tour, Geneva (Switzerland)

I’ve used 3D implants for a wide range of conditions, mostly Pectus Excavatum, Poland Syndrome, chest deformities. And I find it particularly useful to give specific correction for each patient. Because the implants are designed based on a CT scan, they give the best possible fit to the anatomy of the patient. Compared to the old way to create custom made implants based on an external mold, this 3D one is more accurate. In terms of procedure, it is usually easy to perform and the recovery has no major issue. Overall my patients were happy with the outcomes.

Dr Omar Tillo, London (United Kingdom)

We came from the Ravitch procedure then we went to the Nuss procedure because we thought it was much more minimally invasive. But we had to perform even less invasive surgical technique when the patient doesn’t need a modification of the structure of the chest. Therefore almost all kind of Pectus can be treated by custom made implants.

Prof. Laureano Molins, thoracic surgeon, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (Spain)

Chest contour should be always considered in breast asymmetry cases, as correction of chest deformity by breast implants only, increases the deformity. Thoracic wall deformities can be reliably corrected by custom-made implants.

Dr Ulf Dornseifer, plastic surgeon, ISAR Kliniken, München (Germany)

I switched from Nuss and Ravitch procedures to 3D implants, that now represents 90% of the indications. It is an effective surgical procedure for all kinds of Pectus and a safe technique.

Prof. Françoise Le Pimpec-Barthes, thoracic surgeon, European Hospital Georges-Pompidou (France)

Implants have got good long term outcomes, it is quite cost effective as it is a day case. Patients do not feel the implant after a period of time, they think it is just part of their chest wall. They are very happy, so that’s good for us when they come back smiling.

Prof. Karen Redmond, thoracic surgeon, PectusCheck (Ireland)

With this custom-made technique, we work with the desire to reconstruct the anatomy of the patient as close as possible to the physical shape. This technique is less invasive than thoracic ones, with a work on cartilages, trying to remodel the thorax, which is clearly more aggressive.

Prof. Caroline François, plastic surgeon, University Hospital of Reims (France)

We decided to treat only symptomatic patients with the Nuss procedure. Because it is a very invasive surgery with a considerable risk of death and a long hospitalization, from 5 to 7 days. Patients without cardio-thoracic symptoms are candidates to the 3D prosthesis surgery, as it is a surface surgery, without intra-operative complications, and a shorter hospitalization, 1 to 3 days. Even the post-operative management of pain is totally different, the Nuss procedure requires the administration of opioid analgesics, the 3D prosthesis only paracetamol.

Dr Flavio Facchini, pediatric surgeon, Meyer Hospital (Florence, Italy)

The interest of the implant technique is to perfectly answer the withdrawal symptom caused by a Pectus excavatum, a Poland syndrome or an atrophy of upper/lower limb. What I like in this technique, is that the implant is for life and also the simplicity of the surgery.

Prof. Véronique Duquennoy-Martinot, plastic surgeon, University Hospital of Lille

The advantage of the 3D implants is above all its simplicity compared to the procedures I used to practice, I mean orthopedic techniques such as Nuss or Ravitch. It is a really a minimally invasive surgery, where we do not touch the bones at all. That is why it is causing much less pain after the surgery. The definitive result is quite immediate, as the implant, designed from the CT scan of the patient, perfectly fills the hole.

Dr Debrosse, thoracic surgeon, Hôpital Tenon Paris

I noticed that Pectus Excavatum was always a cosmetic problem. Orthopaedic techniques appear to me too aggressive for a cosmetic goal. I am personally very satisfied with the technique of the 3D custom made implant, and the big majority of patients are also very satisfied.

Pr Jalal Assouad, thoracic surgeon, Hôpital Tenon Paris

The early result was so satisfying that the patient, looking at his chest, started crying.

Dott. Matteo Giovannini, plastic surgeon in Bologna (Italy)

I never had any dissatisfied patients. Out of thirty patients, on a scale of 1 to 10, they are overall between 7 and 9. If we could remove the scar, I think everyone would be 10! The technique meets their main demand : to eliminate the deformity at the origin of their complex since adolescence, with as little risk and recurrence as possible.

Pr Christian Herlin, CHRU Lapeyronie (France)

The advantage of the filling technique through 3D implant is the simplicity compared to other orthopedic techniques like Ravitch or Nuss. This really is a minimally invasive surgery where no bones are touched, less painful and with an immediate final result. The prothesis perfectly finnling the hole in the chest, patients are satisfied with the result the next morning, which can direclty be seen.

Pr Assouad, Dr Debrosse, thoracic surgeons, Tenon Hospital (Paris)

Our warmest thanks to the AnatomikModeling team and to Prof. Chavoin which allow us to offer a valid alternative to orthopaedic techniques for patients with pectus excavatum. It is now possible to correct the hollowed chest with an operation that includes a stay of one or two days and a modest post-operative discomfort controllable with non-opioid painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. The result is immediately visible. The prosthesis, once integrated by the body, can remain in place for a lifetime. The literature shows that over 6,000 procedures have been performed over the past 15 years and we are proud to be able to help our patients.

Dr. Facchini, Pr. Messineo - Paediatric Surgery Department, Florence (Italy)

We now have performed two implantations in one male and one female patient. I was very happy with the support from AnatomikModeling. The results were as good as expected and our patients were very happy. I really appreciate getting these fantastic results with this safe and efficient technique and therefore having happy and satisfied patients. Especially our second female patient was extremely happy.

Kay-Hendrik Busch, M.D, Bonn University Hospital (Germany)

As an experienced thoracic surgeon performing corrective pectus excavatum surgery routinely I was seeing patients who did not wish to go through such an invasive procedure with its associated period of recovery. Following a visit to Prof Chavoin and the team at AnatomikModeling and detailed training in the non-corrective pectus implant technique I performed my first pectus implant at the beginning of 2017 and have gone on to perform many more procedures using the AnatomikModeling's 3D custom implant and the insertion techniques described by Prof Chavoin. Once the implant is precisely mapped using 3D CT modelling techniques the implant is expertly manufactured by Sebbin who create a high-quality custom-made implant. I have been most impressed by the simplicity of the surgical approach, the excellent custom fitting of the implant and the excellent outcomes. Recovery is so quick with patients returning to work within days of surgery and back to the gym within several weeks of surgery. It has added another dimension to my pectus surgical practice!

Ian Hunt, MD, The Pectus Clinic, London (UK)

The option of making custom-made anatomical implants based on a CBCT has heralded a radical change in the solution of problems such as pectus excavatum or the absence of pectoral muscles, that up to now has only been possible using more complex techniques involving greater complications. The Implant allows for perfectly-fitted and much finer correction than with traditional external moulds. Patients experience much better results.

MD Jesús Benito Ruiz, Antiaging Group Barcelona (Spain)

Compared to alternative techniques, 3D custom made implants bring simplicity, safety (compliance of the chest wall) and reversibility. The aesthetic result is immediate and striking. In addition, such procedures do not counter-indicate any physical work and allows any possible thoracic surgery.

Marcel Dahan PhD, Thoracic surgery department, Hôpital Larrey, Toulouse University Hospital (France)

The surgical team emphasises the quality of the 3D reconstruction which is confirmed by patient satisfaction. This technique has truly revolutionised the management of deformities such as Pectus Excavatum and has greatly simplified it.

Franck Duteille, PhD, Nantes University Hospital (France)

The deformities of the thorax, pextus excavatum and Poland Syndrome are a significant source of psychological discomfort for patients who are carriers. Being a purely morphological and non‑functional demand, the surgical response must be the simplest, the least painful and the least invasive possible, while adapting to each case since each deformity is unique. The correction of thoracic depressions by 3D custom‑made implants, made possible through the alliance of modern technology with beautiful surgical simplicity, meets these requirements.

Emmanuelle Bozonnet, MD, Médicèdres Clinic, Grenoble (France)